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GicleeDup Greetings! Understanding Giclee Prints for stylish home wall decor. Giclee (zhee-klay) - The French word "giclee" is a feminine noun that means a spurt of liquid. The word may have been derived from the French verb "gicler" meaning "to squirt". Images are developed from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto various substrates including canvas and fine art paper. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gicl%C3%A9e - Giclee is a neologism coined in 1991 by printmaker Jack Duganne for fine art digital prints made on inkjet printers. The name originally applied to fine art prints created on Iris printers in a process made-up in the late 1980s but has since come to mean any inkjet print. It is usually used by galleries to suggest high quality printing. Giclee prints are beneficial to artists who do not find it appropriate to mass produce their work, but want to reproduce their art on-demand. Numerous examples of giclee prints can be found in New York City at the http://www.metmuseum.org/ - Metropolitan Museum, the http://www.metmuseum.org/ - Museum of Modern Art and the http://chelseagallerymap.com/ - Chelsea Galleries. Recent auctions of giclee prints have fetched $10,800 for Annie Leibovitz, $9,600 for Chuck Close, and $22,800 for Wolfgang Tillmans. https://www.etsy.com/il-en/listing/499143530/giclee-art-print-n-13-giclee-art-print - Today you can order authentic Giclee wall art print at Etsy shops. Good bye! and Best Regards
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